Our Diabetes/365 Community IS our cuppa!


22/07/2013 09:00

Ah, my heart’s hope is that you have awoken to a bright, sunny day today.  If not, bring the sun with you!  What does that mean?  Each one of us has something dear to our hearts or perhaps many treasures that lift us into a sunny way of thinking.  Why not have these treasures of “sun” available for days where we need to shift away some “cloudy” thoughts or bring an already sunny day to an even more magnificent day. 

Are there people & treasures that you know in an instant will bring a smile to your face & heart?  These are priceless gifts.  The list of Dear Hearts that I love that are the “sun” within my heart is a long one thank goodness.  Many have always been there & a good many have been added & the circle of love is ever expanding thank goodness.  Diabetes has magnified an already grateful heart I have found.  Bringing our own “sun” or light to a day or situation is even more natural I have found since diabetes entered my life.  I am not grateful for diabetes yet it at least has propelled the magnification by choice for gratitude for all that is good & great in my life.  You may have noticed this too if you have either diabetes or another 365 challenge or if you are having an especially challenging day.

As an ironic aside, when I was a young girl growing up, there was a commercial on television that described orange juice as sun in a glass.  A few moments ago, I started to feel all the classic signs of hypoglycemia & then tested my blood sugars & sure enough, I was in a low.  My favourite fast acting sugar is the mini orange juice.  In this way, even as a grown up, I do believe that yes, orange juice is sun in a glass!  It is a small thing, yet, our fast acting sugars all ready to go can be instant sources of sun or gratitude.  It may seem small, yet it is pretty meaningful.

One morning not so long ago, as I was accompanying our boys to school, we noticed a large group of people out together walking their dogs.  We joked that it looked like a dog related convention had come to town.  That got me thinking about another way that we each get to bring the “sun” to our daily life.  For as long as I can remember, my heart is joyful in the company of dogs & I have a special joy for golden retrievers.  From a very young age, I dreamed of being owned by a golden retriever.  When my husband & I had been married for 2 years, we crossed paths with our first beautiful golden retriever.  We will be forever grateful to have been loved by “Twinings” the first golden that we were owned by.  Just waking up to her nose to ours in the morning & her wagging tail meant that it was a great start to the day.  Now, our Bedford, the second golden that we have been owned by, has her perpetual smile & way of finding mud everywhere she goes & brings that ear to ear smile of a start to each day.  For my heart, having “golden love” is the extra sun for every day.  I feel that way of course for & about my husband & our sons & all my family & friends & parish family & community families too. 

It may seem funny to thank one’s dog but that is kind of where my eccentric mind is going today as I reflect upon that start to the day of seeing the “dog walking convention” of the morning.  I love that whenever Beddy & I run into our mail carrier that he recognizes her & always has a biscuit ready for her.  On Christmas eve, he left a biscuit for her on top of the mailbox.  There are those days for most of us where we may find our day being challenging & we just need that instant sun to help us to feel hopeful again.  That sunny feeling can start with our dogs.  How cool is that.  The sun may come from someone or something other than dogs for you, yet my heart’s hope is that you know instantly that someone or something that you can instantly access for healing & light.  Whether it is bring your own dog (BYOD) or another Dear Heart, may you instantly bring the light back into your day when you need it.

Smiles, Saundie :)

Have a light filled week & next Monday's sharing is, " Boil to Simmer & Stop, Drop & Roll."    :)


