Our Diabetes/365 Community IS our cuppa!
About Us
Hi & welcome to our community!
This Community is for those of us that have type 1, type 2, pre-diabetes or love someone who has diabetes as well as folks who have or love others with "365" health challenges (chronic illnesses).
The community was created so that each one of us know that we share a sense of "me too" (belonging), know that we have a community to share that contains care, understanding & acceptance.
My name is Saundie but you can call me "Saun" since we are already part of this community. In November of 2007, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as an adult. Being a Mom of 3 young boys & having prior to this been super healthy, this seemed like a surprising diagnosis. One thought that has remained with me over the past 5 years is this...wouldn't this thing called "diabetes" be more bearable if we have a group of other folks who understand & encourage one another on this journey. Welcome to our community.
The act of sharing & building community makes my heart smile. There is a quote that says "we are all one-winged angels & we need one another to fly." That is a belief that I hold close. Through my journey so far with diabetes, it is my hope that others will feel the comfort to share & to support one another with understanding & kindness. We are still anticipating "the happy ending" which is the cure...along the way, let's build a community...
Let us have a community where we can support one another on our collective journeys.
History of project
World Diabetes Day felt like the "exact right day" to begin our community. So let's build...together.